Everything you need to get valuable user feedback.
Feedback widget
To capture bug reports, feature requests, and more.
Users can automatically attach a screenshot.
Communicate updates and launches with your users.
Dark mode
Serve your feedback widget in light or dark mode.
Custom statuses
Create your own custom feedback post statuses.
Replies & notifications
Easily notify your users about their feedback.
Multi Projects
Like Elon, you can manage all of your projects in 1 account.
Know what to work on next based on priorities.
(auto)translate your feedback widget into 137+ languages!
Fully customize your feedback widget with its own icon, colors, and input.
Powerful dashboard
Manage your feedback and analyze the stats.
Integrates with
Just 1 simple copy and paste code, and you’re good to go!
“Super efficient and straightforward”
Robin Delta (AI)